• Question: Can zebras cry?

    Asked by autumn98 to Carol, Ellie, John, Philip, Rebecca on 2 Jul 2012.
    • Photo: Carol White

      Carol White answered on 2 Jul 2012:

      I don’t know if they can cry with emotions, like if they’re sad or happy but they can definitely produce tears.

      Lots of animals produce tears to clean their eyes or dust or dirt or infection, so I guess they can cry!

    • Photo: Carol White

      Carol White answered on 2 Jul 2012:

      I don’t know if they can cry with emotions, like if they’re sad or happy but they can definitely produce tears.

      Lots of animals produce tears to clean their eyes or dust or dirt or infection, so I guess zebras really can cry!

    • Photo: Rebecca Lacey

      Rebecca Lacey answered on 2 Jul 2012:

      I don’t think they cry because they are sad or happy like us, but they do have feelings and can also produce tears in order to protect their eyes.

      Apparently elephants can cry as a result of sadness 🙁

    • Photo: John Welford

      John Welford answered on 4 Jul 2012:

      Why would a zebra cry? They’re too cool!

      The others have told you about animals crying, so I’ll just give a you a zebra fact:

      The zebras stripe pattern is as distinctive as your fingerprints. Scientists use them to identify individual zebras when they’re following them in the wild.
