• Question: How do cuts heal?

    Asked by numskullz1000 to Carol, Ellie, John, Philip, Rebecca on 25 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Carol White

      Carol White answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      The blood you get from a cut are because the injury breaks the tiny blood vessels that sit just under your skin.

      You body starts working straight away to heal!

      STEP 1: Platelets in your blood immediately start sticking together like glue to make a “clot” – to help keep blood from escaping and preventing bacteria from getting inside.

      STEP 2: Your skin cells multiply rapidly to repair the damage, and infection-fighting white blood cells (the superheroes of your body!) attack any germs that might be there.

      STEP 3: When the layer of new skin is ready, your scab falls off. So remember not to pick scabs – they’re actually there to help you and don’t usually last more than a week!
