• Question: What part of the Brain controls automatic bodily functions? ie heart rate, sweating, ect

    Asked by watsonjc06 to Carol, John, Philip, Rebecca on 4 Jul 2012.
    • Photo: Carol White

      Carol White answered on 4 Jul 2012:

      The “medulla oblongata” is the bit of the brain that controls automatic (involuntary functions) like breathing, heart rate and blood pressure! It’s responsible for all your reflexes, like sneezing and vomiting that you often can’t control

      Hope that answers your (again, brilliant) question Dr Watson 🙂

    • Photo: Philip Glasson

      Philip Glasson answered on 6 Jul 2012:

      The reptilian brain — manages repetative tasks, motor skills, and breathing.
      The mammal brain —manages emotion, instinct, fight-or-flight…
      The human brain —provides us with such things as speech, reading, writing, logic….

      Did you know the human and mammal brain connect only at one point..
      And this is the point that stops working when you panic
      So……Don’t Panic 🙂
